haa... lega rasanya esok cuti~~!!! lagi lega bile next week pon belasah cuti. bagusnyeeeee la hari wilayah falls near to CNY kan kan kan org2 KL??? *senyum selebarnye!!!* for me, these 3 days was a very very hectic, packed, busy busy busy, tiring days......... but its all worth it (^_^)
26 Jan, Wed started good after loooooong tuesday. sbb kene fixed up important analysis *letih den!* rabu slalunye a dilemma day for working ppl like me coz it fall between weekdays and weekend. hehhehehe. tapi since last 2 weeks i kene change mindset, shifted to new phase... wednesday means a looking forward day for my health + business class.. erm i called it H&B class. well... i tak amik master or even phd. its an extra class for a brighter future i shall say *insyaAllah* my class will start aroud 9pm and end up to 12am!! so dalam erti kata lain.. wednesday means i must make myself free and not too tired for my H&B night class. altho i tau kamis for sure its gonna be quite sleepy and restless. well... think it can be manage as time goes by kot. huhuhu
27Jan, Thurs started not so ok since i slalu under estimated my normal route to office.. end up.. JAM!!! *as usuallah* was also a very tight day due to dateline~~ alhamdulillah mamakuQis got a very good confirmation to participate in Charity Event. alhamdulillah... it was a bless for a busy day. continue on.... time balik pulak ada new problem~~ kete takleh bukak!! haiyooooooo.... even gune manual pon the button tak naik. sgt frust coz i janji dgn qistina nk pegi playground *sad* panic like mad la aku!!! call sana sini, rasa nk nangis pon ada, belasah je tya org2 yg parking dkt2 situ. last2 menatap pegi ampang park and mintak apek tu tukarkan bateri kete n mintak no lock smith dia. well... actually my car key nye auto lock ada prob. so tukar je bateri dgn harapan dapatla bukak kete auto. tapi sgtlah 80% tak sure boleh ke tak. sepanjang jalan menapak balik mmg berdoa tak henti2!!! alhamdulillah.... sekali lagi ada "pertolongan". berjaya!!! tapi sampai rumah dh pukul 7.30pm. terus mandi, makan and continue helping mamaChef packing cookies utk event esok. dah abis tu kene buat some design and accounts sket for customer and event. tido? pukul 12.30am
28Jan, Fri kuar awal.... sbb nk loading barang for the Charity Event. abg guard pulak garang. LOL!! takpela bang... janji saya boleh loading keeeeejaaaap je~~ the event went very smooth and alhamdulillah the fund raise is a lot!! *insyaAllah dipermudahnye semuanya* catch up datelines lagi, meet up few customers, wedding event discussion bla3. petang sampai rumah pukul 7.30pm *again* selamat la my sis dtg from shah alam so at least qist got accompany. and here i am tonite still in front of computer, thinking and cant wait for tomorrow!!! why?
ku is coming back!!!! yeay~~~~~~
senyum tak henti dah ni!!!!! *wink* well i guess i do kept myself busy everyday wishing it to pass by very very fast *at least!*
happy weekends everyone~
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