Thursday, March 24, 2011

Health&Biz101 : the NEW ERA of network marketing

i have skipped 2 week for this update *wink* no worries... still on track!! lets recall the poor 95% group.. remember this? yes... so macam mane network marketing business boleh jadi sooo different from the first time kite semua tahu mengenainya? adakah ia sudah berubah? well well.... sekiranya anda masih tidak tahu betapa besarnye potensi di dalam network marketing, mari sini.. sila dekat... saya cube explain the different side of network marketing that you never knew!

tahukah anda semua bahawa kebanyakkan daripada billionaire & millionaire investor worldwide telah pun invested, membeli dan juga membangunkan network marketing company mereka sendiri? anda tidak tahu bukan... mengapa? kerana kita masih lagi di dalam belenggu MLM = scam. betul? semestinye TIDAK!! tidak sama sekali... dahulu semasa franchise concept start, mereka juga di panggil scam. sekarang cube tgk... ape sudah jadi terhadap franchise network? sangat hebat!!! dah network marketing pula adalah the next level of booming business. mengapa saya berkata begitu?

WHY network marketing business?

worth of mouth advertising
home base business
low risk high return
no experience required

tahukah anda bahawa di US network marketing business bernilai lebih USD$30 Billion dan jumlah nye di seluruh dunia bernilai lebih USD$100 Billion!!!

tahukah anda bahawa nilai-nilai di atas tergolong bersama-sama billionaire business seperti ICT?

tahukah juga anda bahawa network marketing business akan boom dalam masa terdekat? bila? jawapannye... 2018

masih keliru lagi dgn network marketing? ataupun masih ragu-ragu? wake up!!!! the whole world sudah berubah sekarang.. adakah anda mahu miss the boat? pikir-pikir kan lah.... mar lihat video ini. it reveal the power behind network marketing business

ragu-ragu lagi? atau excited dah ni...... let see ape top financial expert, billionaire, millionaire, best selling author komen tentang network marketing..

"The best investment I ever made" 
Warren Buffett, billionaire investor & owner of 3 direct selling companies

"The first truly revolutionary shift in marketing"
Tom Peters, legendary management expert & best selling author

"We're in the midst of a boom in home-based businesses and it shows no sign of slowing"
Paul Zane Pilzer, world renowned  economist

"The beauty of direct selling is that its all done for you. All you need to do is find a reputable company  that "
David Bach, financial expert & best selling author

"This business offers the most systematic way for ordinary individuals to achieve economic success"
Jim Collins, best selling author "Good to Great"

"Its an entrepreneurial opportunity where people can use their talent and their passion towards a greater good"
Stephen R Covey, best selling author "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

next I will share about
how to choose 
the best network marketing company?


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