Thursday, July 14, 2011

VACAY2011 : South Island, New Zealand Day 9

Waking up that morning in Kaikoura was seriously breathtaking!! I think im in love with Kaikoura for the fact that its by the sea. Walaupon ombaknya rough tak hengat!! After quick breakfast, terus hit the town and snap2 pix. Mmg sangat lawa~~~ its tepi laut berlatar belakang gunung yg ada snow at the tip with bird flying around, bunyi ombak….. *HEAVEN* tapi dalam masa yg sama i terpijak doggy poo-poo. LOL. terpaksa samak dgn tanah and air *sejok!*

sempat jugak shop some souvenier sbb takbeli ape pon~ yela… I target to buy some in Christchurch tapi kedai tutup….. on the way back to CHC airport, I dah start rasa tak sihat. Although temp 22degC tapi I rasa sejuk.. ku & princess siap pakai t-shirt je

Kat airport after check-in sempat lagi beli souvenier tp this time for diri sendiri lah. Dapat jugak rugby ball and sheep gemok ikut kami balik malaysia~~~

till then.... our last post when we touch down in KLIA!!!

stay tune~


Unknown said...

nice scenery!wahh..

nnt bgtau la tips2 jugak.or overall budget bole i plan2 pgi sane jugakk :)

hana.basri said...

boley~~ nnt mari menuntut di sini ya :D

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