Sunday, April 25, 2010

man + cook = sexy?

is it really true??? hahaha. was watching rachel ray show this afternoon and her guest was rocco dispirito. who is he? ooowwww.... he is known for his italian-american cuisine and he transforms America's favorite comfort foods into deliciously healthy dishes-all with zero bad carbs, zero bad fats, zero sugar, and maximum flavor. wallah~!!! very the vast kan.... agaknye boley tak abg rocco transform malay cuisine pulak?? 

so what izzit on man + cook = sexy? not all chef out there yg really hot kan~~~ lalalalala... for me, i think man that can cook or at least try to cook is sexy! they are not physically sexy but rather they have the sense that only person who cook have it, its the sense of accuracy, balance and masterpiece. owh..... never a good cook have the same recipe. they invented and improved for every meals. thus this is why they are sexy!! got it?? *how i feel so sexy now~~*


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